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Voice Recognition

Marion City Schools

Inspiring a Community of Achievement



All injuries must be reported to a teacher or the office. If the injuries are minor, the student will be treated and may return to class. If medical attention is required, the office will follow the school’s emergency procedures and attempt to make contact with the student’s parent/guardian.

A student who becomes ill during the school day should requires permission to go to the nurse’s office. An appropriate adult in the office will determine whether or not the student should remain in school or go home. No student will be released from school without proper parent/guardian permission.

A. Parent, guardian permission must be secured prior to any student leaving the building. This permission is secured through the main or the nurse’s office prior to any student leaving the building.

B. Unless there is an extreme emergency requiring you to rush from the room, secure permission from the teacher to leave the room.

C. Report to the main office and they will make a decision as to whether the situation warrants contacting parents/guardians.

D. Any student requiring medication at school must have a permission slip signed by parent/guardian and physician and filed in the office. Medication will be dispensed by school personnel.

E. Only the person(s) on the release form can designate who may pick up and sign out the student.
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